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The feedstock

A feedstock is the home of one recipe; it may produce more than one conda artifact in the case of a multi-output recipe. The feedstock is where for most events in the life of a recipe take place.


The feedstock repository is created following the merging in staged-recipes (see Feedstock creation for details on that process).

Package building diagram

Package building can be triggered by several events, which are described in the next section. In all of those cases, the following sequence plays out.

  1. For Linux and noarch packages, the build itself is carried out in a Docker container on the CI. On macOS and Windows, the CI runner system image is used after tuning it a bit.
  2. The local validation happens on the CI and checks that the artifacts produced during the build are permissible for this feedstock by consulting the feedstock-outputs repository.
  3. The server-side validation is essentially the same as 2. It is repeated inside the distribution infrastructure to guard against potential intentional or unintentional interference at the feedstock level, which is easier to access.
  4. The upload is only triggered if the local validation (2.) was successful. Additionally, it is only performed under certain conditions, for example for commits in main, but not in PRs. Note that the package may also fail to transfer from cf-staging to conda-forge if the server-side validation (3.) fails. If 2. succeeds and 3. fails, this is usually due to an outdated token.

Events that trigger new builds

Package building is either triggered as part of a PR or on commits to branches in the feedstock repository (which in turn usually stem from the merging of PRs).


Any commit on any branch in the feedstock can lead to the building and publication of a package. To avoid the gratuitous publication of improper packages, development branches MUST NOT be added to the feedstock repository. Instead, they live in forks of the feedstock repository and the associated work is added only via pull requests.

Almost all changes to the feedstock repository are performed via PRs. This is true both for manual maintainer intervention and conda-forge automation.


It is possible to add commits to branches directly. This is occasionally used to re-trigger a failed CI run with an empty commit:

git commit --allow-empty -m "Retrigger CI"

Manually submitted PRs

These PRs are not automated. Any Github user can open a new PR by forking the feedstock, creating a fresh branch from main and adding the necessary commits to achieve the intended change (e.g. building a new version or adding a new platform).

It is up to the feedstock maintainers and/or the conda-forge/core team to review, approve and merge the PR, or to reject it and close it.

During the lifetime of the PR, some automated operations will take place:

  • The linter will scan the state of the recipe to require changes and suggest improvements. If not fulfilled, this will result in a failed CI run. Linter failures must not be ignored without explicit core approval.
  • The PR template will ask you to rerender the feedstock at least once per PR. This will ensure that the CI configuration is up-to-date, among other things. You can use the bot command @conda-forge-admin, please rerender in any comment, or do it locally via conda-smithy rerender.

Automated PRs

There is a variety of situations in which the conda-forge automation will create PRs. In these cases, it is generally the privilege of the feedstock maintainers to review and merge the PR, triggering the action on the repository.

Every commit on a branch will trigger the ci unless its commit message contains the tag [ci skip], which can be achieved for PRs by including it in the PR title. Some providers ignore this tag during PRs but do obey it in runs triggered by a branch like main.

Version updates

When a new version is released upstream, a PR needs to be created that performs the necessary updates to the feedstock. At a minimum, that includes updating the version, download URL, and hash of the upstream source artifact. In addition, other changes to the recipe may be needed, such as updated dependency requirements, a change to the noarch status of the package, or an adaptation of the build or test scripts. While these last changes often need to be done by the maintainers, conda-forge has sophisticated capabilities to add the initial version update PR.

How does it work?

This happens in two steps in the CI of cf-scripts.

First, the version information is updated from upstream sources and stored in the cf-graph-countyfair repo, more specifically in the versions directory tree, nested by hash with one file per package.

Second, the main bot CI job, the bot-bot action in cf-scripts creates PRs for all packages that have a new version available upstream. Here is a simplified diagram of how that is done. For the full picture, read below.

Once submitted, it is up to the feedstock maintainers to check the PR, make any necessary adjustments, and merge it into the feedstock branch.

This version update is an example of a migrator. Read more about migrators in the following section.

Rebuilds for migrators

The version update is one example of a migrator. In reality, there are more occasions and reasons to update recipes, for example, to recompile an otherwise unchanged binary program or library to link against a newer version of a dependency or to add support for a new architecture. This kind of use case is handled by migrators, which are a general recipe rewriting tool.

A more complete picture of what auto-tick does is the following:

Migrators are a powerful mechanism that can do almost arbitrary recipe changes. They are written in Python and the current set of migrators can be found in the regro/cf-scripts repository.